I have a new tagger kit just added to TKO Scraps this evening called "Who's That Girl?". These cute little cookies just reminded me of "That Girl", so it was alot of fun making it - Hope you like it as well :)

She's full of excitement. She's always off on a new venture. And she never looks back on anything she does. Are you that girl? If you are, then there is no better way to show it in your scrap projects and tags than "Who's that Girl?" .
This personal use tagger size kit incldues:
3 lively ©Krissy's Imaging cookies - "Natalie "
72 vivacious elements
20 bubbling coordinating papers
Take the day by the hands and take a chance on whatever you want. You too can have everyone asking... "Who's That Girl?" !
This personal use tagger size kit incldues:
3 lively ©Krissy's Imaging cookies - "Natalie "
72 vivacious elements
20 bubbling coordinating papers
Take the day by the hands and take a chance on whatever you want. You too can have everyone asking... "Who's That Girl?" !
Click HERE to purchase "Who's That Girl?"
30% OFF for the month of July!
Also, here is a little tag I made with it myself :)

Have a spirited day!