I just wanted to let you all know that I have a new fabulous blinkie showcased here on my bloggy made by my good friend Crys just for my photography site DKY Photo.
You can see it here ----->

And you will always be here on this bloggy right under this blogs blinkie :)
She did such a fantastic job on it!!!! Thanks a bunch Crys!!! You so rock!
Also, a quick note, I, yet again am behind this week and I did not have a freezBie for you yesterday :( However, I am in the works of one right now and should have it up between now and Monday - forgive me for the delay - bad me...lol
I will not have a freezBie these next 2 Fridays as well. I will be in and out doing things with the fam until August 16thish. But once we have our little break together, I will have some great things for you all :)
Also, I will not be doing any blogtrains for the month of August :( Ahhhhhhh shucks :( Reason being, Gothic Inspirations Blogtrain will be taking August off for everyone and The Brat Pack Blogtrain, which is still being going on for the month of August, I held back from this one so I can spend this Summer time getaway with the fam. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I won't be on the next train rides from all of them after August - Oh no way, they can't get rid of me that quickly....lol I love these blogtrains so much and the ladies who are in them are just too great - So, just to let you know, September I will be back in full swing with them both :)
Alrighty my friends, I have rambled on enough for you today :) Have a fun filled weekend and be seeing you all soon :)
Kara :)